Friday, September 28, 2007

These are the titles of the presentations my students gave today:

History of Kim chi from Ancient Times to Now
The Culture of Tipping and the California Gold Rush
I Love Cologne
Carnival Around the World
Brazilian Immigrants in Tokyo Suburbs

And I am going to make risotto. I don't know what kind. But some kind. Something different than just basic risotto w/mushrooms.

It rained this morning, so I drove to work. It was weird. But I got to wear a dress. That was nice.

While it was raining I listened to a report on public radio about how it's going to be another la nina dry winter.


mike c said...

Wow, we are doing similar things, and as different people! On the other side of the U.S., the world practically!

I decided to drive to work in Maine because it was raining for a couple days. Yesterday I walked, as I will today.

And the titles you students came up with, I have to do that everyday after editing articles the reward is to try and come up with a snappy headline. (If you're not running too behind.)

Wooooo! We are equals! How does that make you feel as a woman? To be equal to a man! Ha.

K. Lorraine Graham said...

I'm making risotto, not reading Bukowski.