Tuesday, December 23, 2008

But What Book Should I Take With Me?

I took Lester to the vet to be boarded this morning. He's boarded there plenty of times, but this was only the second time we'd made the trip via train and bicycle. He loves the train, and after about a minute of settling in on the bicycle, he seems to enjoy it--he sang most of the ride. There were two iguanas, two bunnies, one hamster, and five parrots (plus a lot of people) in the vet reception area, and Lester seemed to enjoy that, too. Everyone seemed nervous, and at one point there were two parrots flying around the room because they didn't want to step up onto the scale to be weighed. Lester, however, preened, ate some millet, and sang "Lester's a pretty bird" and "salt peanuts" over and over again, which got him a lot of attention. And, of course, he loves attention. When I'd finished putting all his favorite toys into his boarding cage, he willingly climbed off of my shoulder and got in. I'm glad that he's so well-adjusted and confident.

Today I need to:

1. Exercise
2. Clean
3. Pack
4. Print any remaining things for the trip
5. Go to Trader Joes to get something to eat tomorrow when I'm traveling

1 comment:

mike c said...

bananas, flat