Sunday, September 24, 2006

reading a book about reading people

watch out, I'm going to be paying even more attention than usual to your body language. Also reading Salome's You Alone are Real to me and wanting to reread Rilke, who I loved in high school.

Thinking about the huge, stage-sized pop-up book/installation piece I keep wanting to build. I need a workshop. And tools.

Mark and I went hiking in the Elfin Forest. It's not very forest-like, but it is forest-like for southern California. At the bottom of the mountain was a stream with running water! We hiked up and up a bit until it looked like this:

And there was a reservoir and a dam, of course:

I think that I am at last going to San Francisco to visit el frere, sister-in-law, and baby nephew. Early november.

1 comment:

Jessica Smith said...

"Thinking about the huge, stage-sized pop-up book/installation piece I keep wanting to build. I need a workshop. And tools."

You need Chelsea. We should find a way to get us all together.

she does set design stuff. so she can use powertools.

i started thinking about what i want for my birthday, and it's all electronics or power tools.